Vrinda Bhardwaj

Vrinda Bhardwaj

6+ Spiders Amazing Facts:

Six Amazing facts blog cover

Spiders are not insects. They belong to a separate group called arachnids, which also includes scorpions. A spider’s body is divided into two parts linked by a narrow waist. It has four pairs of legs tipped with claws, but no…

Types of Lizards:

Types of lizards blog cover

Lizards are a category of reptiles. There skin type is very dry and hard. There are about approximately 6000 species of lizards. Many lizards live on the ground but some live in trees and some are burrower. Lizards usually eat…

Different types of cats that people have as pets

Types of cats blog cover image

Cats are not like dogs. They are different as dogs attach themselves more to people, whereas cats are territorial. This means they attach themselves to territory more than humans. Cats are typically referred to as either domestic or purebred. Domestic cats do…

Cute American Beaver American Grey Wolves American Bison Amazing Cougar Photography Bald Eagle – Pride of America
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