
10 Common Health Issues in Hamsters and How to Treat Them

Hamsters are prone to certain health issues, which you should be aware of in order to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. In this post, we’ll go over 10 common health issues in hamsters and how to treat them.

Wet Tail

This is a bacterial infection that affects the digestive tract of the hamster. Stress, such as overcrowding, dietary changes, or transportation, is a significant risk factor for developing this disease. For example, you may notice a wet tail in a young hamster that was recently purchased as a pet. Diarrhea, lethargy, and a wet, matted appearance around the tail are all symptoms. A veterinarian will be required to provide treatment, which will typically include fluids to keep the hamster hydrated as well as antibiotics. Regrettably, this disease is frequently fatal. Antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian are used in treatment.

Respiratory Infections

Bacteria, viruses, and environmental factors such as poor ventilation can all cause respiratory infections in hamsters. Wheezing, sneezing, and laboured breathing are all symptoms. Antibiotics may be used in treatment, and environmental factors must be addressed to prevent further infections.

Dental Issues

Hamster teeth grow continuously, and if they don’t have enough to gnaw on, they can become overgrown, causing problems with eating and drinking. However, problems do arise from time to time. Teeth become overgrown as a result of soft food or a lack of a chew toy. Drooling, loss of appetite, and weight loss are all symptoms. However, most hamster tooth problems can be resolved. Even if the hamster has an abscess, antibiotics will help it recover. Treatment may include tooth trimming or filing.

Skin Problems

Hamsters can get skin problems such as mites and fungal infections. Itching, redness, and scaly patches are some of the symptoms. However, if their cage is dirty or contains fungi spores, they can develop skin conditions. A veterinarian may prescribe medicated shampoos or creams as part of the treatment.

Eye Infections

They both can’t see, whether they’re Syrian or Dwarf. Even so, health concerns can be seen in a hamster’s eyes. Bacteria or viruses can cause eye infections in hamsters. Redness, swelling, and discharge are all symptoms. Antibiotics or antiviral medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be used in treatment.


Tumors, both benign and malignant, can develop in hamsters. Lumps or bumps on the body are symptoms.  Fatty tumor , as well as growths in the brain, mammary glands, and uterus, can occur in hamsters. Many tumor can be removed surgically, especially if caught early when they are still small. Check your hamster for lumps and bumps on a regular basis, especially as they grow older. The tumor may be surgically removed as part of the treatment.

Digestive Issues

Constipation and diarrhoea are common digestive problems in hamsters. Changes in appetite and bowel movements are among the symptoms. Dietary changes and medications prescribed by a veterinarian may be used in treatment.


Hamsters can become dehydrated if they do not have enough water or are sick. Lethargy, sunken eyes, and dry skin are all symptoms. Treatment entails providing the hamster with clean water and may include fluid therapy prescribed by a veterinarian.


Obesity can develop in hamsters if they are overfed or do not get enough exercise. Excessive weight gain and lethargy are symptoms. Dietary changes and increased exercise opportunities are part of the treatment.

Aging Issues

Hamsters have a short lifespan and can develop issues such as arthritis and dental problems as they age. Symptoms include changes in eating habits and difficulty moving. Pain management medications and dietary changes may be used in treatment.

You can help keep your furry friend healthy and happy by being aware of these common health issues in hamsters and their symptoms. If you start noticing any of these symptoms, you should see a veterinarian right away for proper diagnosis and treatment. Not every one of the diseases and disorders on our list are preventable or treatable, but early detection usually provides the best chance of success in rehabilitating your hamster.

Vrinda Bhardwaj
Vrinda Bhardwaj
Articles: 42

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