
10 Surprising benefits of having a cat in your life

Cats require little attention. Perhaps the most appealing aspect of cats is that they require less upkeep and cost less than dogs, which require more walking, training, frequent grooming, and more toys and attention. Here are 10 surprising benefits of having a cat in your life

Going to reduce stress and anxiety

Petting a cat has been shown in studies to reduce stress and anxiety levels. A cat’s soft purring and gentle touch can be soothing to our minds and bodies. There’s even chemical proof. Spending time with a cat increases the production of serotonin, a chemical that promotes feelings of well-being, while decreasing cortisol levels. Cortisol, like high blood pressure, is a stress response that can lead to high cholesterol and hypertension. This tends to mean that spending time with a cat can help you live a healthier life in the long run. Fortunately, interacting with a cat can help you improve your mood and reduce stress.

Better sleep

Sleeping with a cat has been shown in studies to improve sleep quality. The rhythmic sound of a cat’s purring can act as a soothing lullaby, assisting you to fall and stay asleep faster. According to one study from the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine, they may be on to something: In that study, 41 percent of people said their pet helped them sleep better, while only 20 percent said it caused disturbances.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Owning a cat may reduce your risk of heart disease, according to research. According to studies, cat owners have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes than non-cat owners. Petting a cat can help to relieve stress. Over a 10-year period, cat owners were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners, according to one study (although this might just be because cat owners are more relaxed and have lower stress in general).

Enhanced social interaction

Cats can be excellent conversation starters and can aid in social interaction. When you’re out walking your cat, you’re bound to run into other cat owners and start talking about your pets. According to one study, women were more attracted to men who owned cats because cat ownership often implies sensitivity and intelligence.

Improved mental health

A cat’s companionship and affection can help relieve feelings of loneliness and depression. In fact, studies have shown that cat owners have lower levels of depression and anxiety than non-cat owners. People who are going through a difficult time of grief or mourning report that talking to their pet helps them work out their feelings because it is sometimes easier to talk to an animal than another human.

Reduced allergens in the house

Contrary to common belief, having a cat in your home can actually help reduce allergens. Cats groom themselves and remove dander from their fur naturally, which can help reduce allergens in the air.

Enhanced immune system

Children who grow up with cats have a stronger immune system and are less likely to develop allergies or asthma, according to research.

Enhanced cognitive function

Interacting with cats can aid in the improvement of cognitive function and memory. According to research, older adults who own cats outperform those who do not on cognitive tests.

Natural pest control

Cats are natural predators and can help keep pests like mice and rats away from your home.

Unconditional love and companionship

Finally, cats provide unconditional love and companionship to their owners. A cat’s bond with its owner can be extremely strong and rewarding. According to a 2003 Austrian study, having a cat in the house is the emotional equivalent of having a romantic partner. According to studies, cats will remember kindness shown to them and return the favour later, in addition to initiating contact most of the time.

Vrinda Bhardwaj
Vrinda Bhardwaj
Articles: 42

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