
7 Reasons why you should adopt a shelter Dog or Cat:

Thinking of adding a pet to your family. Then go for adoption because number of euthanized animals could be reduced by adopting a shelter animal or rescue pet. When you adopt you save a loving animal by making them part of your family. Here are seven(7) reasons why you should adopt a shelter dog or cat:


1. These animals deserve a forever home:

These homeless and abandoned animals also need love and care. They were treated wrongly,

And not given this right to happiness and by adopting them and giving some space in our homes we are giving them what they deserve. Usually, they end up in shelters because of bad luck. Perhaps the previous owners didn’t know what they were getting themselves into when they brought a particular pet home, or for some other reason were unable to take care of their pets. 

2. You’ll find a permanent companion:

Animals give us unconditional love and they have tendencies to cure us from sadness and depression. It is proven psychologically that animals can sense sadness and they are beneficial for us emotionally.

3. You don’t have to train them:

No baby animal is born knowing where and when it’s appropriate to go to the bathroom they have to be taught. That takes time and can be a frustrating process. When we adopt a animal from shelter mostly  are already litter-trained. So its easy for us to manage these pets as they are already trained. In any case, most shelters will be happy to steer you toward pets with good trained habits.

4. Adopting a dog or cat is cheaper than buying one:

Not to mention, adopting a dog is typically cheaper than purchasing one. Adopting fee is very less than buying a pet from a breeder. Those adoption fees typically include vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and necessary health tests, while dogs purchased from breeders may not. 

5. Health concern regarding the pet:

Weather you buy a pet from a breeder or adopt from shelter neutering and vaccinations are essential before the animal brought home. Vaccination is a must process for a pet weather you buy them or adopt. If you adopt a pet Shelters make it easier on owners by covering a large portion of the costs.

6. Setting a good example:

Taking in an animal that needs a home sets a great example for your children, and teaches them important moral lessons. By adopting a pet you are making a change in the world. It’s a great way for children to see that they can make a difference in the world.

7. By adopting a pet you are saving life:

Homeless animals are at serious risks in the streets. They can get hit by a car, be abused, even get set on fire. Shelters bring in these animals and invest a lot of time, money, and energy to help them recover from injuries and maltreatment they received on the streets. Adopting a pet can give them a chance to live a better life.

Vrinda Bhardwaj
Vrinda Bhardwaj
Articles: 42


  1. I really appreciate your thoughts
    And views so nice for them ( dogs and outer animals) i hope human should think about it

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